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  1. Dardan73





    is a International Championship for WoT PS4 Clans, organized by clan LEONI and supported by WARGAMING.




    By subscribing and taking part to this championship, every player accepts ALL the following rules!




    All clans without restrictions (all players must have clan TAG): its up to organizers to accept or refuse subscription after messaging with commander of the subscribed clan.
    Subscriptions will be closed at reaching 10 clans partecipating (Organizers can consider to enlarge the rooster depending on number of requests).
    No wn8 limit for players.


    Round Robin (1 round)
    3 points for victory, 1 for draw, 0 for defeat
    0 points for failing to be present at the scheduled match (in this case, 3 points by forfait to the present team, with 4-0 set victory)


    "46" rule: max 6 players with tier max 8, sum of all team tiers cant exceed 46 (example: 4 tier 8 tanks + 2 tier 7, or 5 tier 8 + 1 tier 6).
    Encounter mode, 10 minutes time limit.
    No limits on tank type.
    Premium ammos allowed.
    Each team have 15 minutus of delay allowed, after this time match will start with players that are ready (or won by default if one entire team isnt present).


    Championship day is friday: each match of the championship is scheduled every friday at 21.30 CEST starting from 15/09/2018.


    Before the beginning of the championship, 2 maps (1 large and 1 small) will be drawn for each championship day, to be played twice (left and right). All maps will be written on the match calendar here, in this site. If 1 maps will be removed from game during a wot update, it will be replaced by another still not choosen.
    Home clan have to create the training room for the scheduled match - naming it "LL18 *home team TAG* vs *away team TAG*" (esempio: "LL18 LEONI vs PUMA"), to manage the deployment of teams and the changing of maps, and to write on the OFFICIAL PSN CHAT of the championsip the match result (presenting pics or vids in case of dispute). Away team have to confirm on official PSN chat this result.
    IMPORTANT: due to training room software, the room creator have to take part to all the 4 battles (of course, he cant remain as observer, cause he would see all the battlefiled, and game cant be started till the creator havent choose the tank)


    The player who created the room, once all players are ready, put ALL of them in OBSERVER mode for 3 minutes (this makes possible for each player to choose the tank without letting any enemy to know the choice). In these 3 minutes all players have to choose the tank.
    After 3 minutes, with no other warning needed, the room creator will remove "observer mode" and will start the match.

    ATTENTION: tanks choosen (or NOT choosen) CANNOT BE CHANGED after the observer mode is removed, causing if done the automatic defeat for that single map. If a player havent choosen the tank when observer mode is removed, he cant partecipate to that single battle.

    NOTE: Its possible to switch players of a team between a map and the other: there can be more than 6 clan members in the training room, its enough that just 6 choose the tank and the other dont choose any (be careful because having deployed more than 6 tanks will cause lost of the map). No one can remain in observer mode.


    Its the official chat of the championship, named "LEAGUE OF LIONS 2018", where all official announcements are written , where teams write results of matches and where appeal requests or penalties are written.
    In this chat will be added the Commander of the clan that subscribed, then the commander himself can add up to 2 other clan members of his choice; this chat has to be used just for official communications and for requests regarding tournament rules: its forbidden to write personal opinions or anything else that isnt official.


    Each appeal request have to be written to one of the organizers (nicknames: Dardan73 or TheMonster17).
    Championship organizers have the right to make unquestionable decisions.
    In particular, any unfair behaviour will be severely punished, so its recommended for all players to behave with fair play.


    Top 3 teams will win prizes.
    Last 2 teams will be relegated in second division (if this championship will be a success, we expect to create more series for next edition).
    If 2 or more teams will end with the same amount of points, ranking will be done by:
    - result of match played between tied teams
    - points difference
    - number of matches won


    These are the prizes for the top 3 Teams:

    3rd Place = 500,000 Silver, 10 Premium Days, Tier 6 or lower Premium Tank, 10 5x XP Boosts, 10 6x Crew XP Boosts

    2nd Place = 1,000,000 Silver, 15 Premium Days, Tier 7 or lower Premium Tank, 15 5x XP Boosts, 15 6x Crew XP Boosts

    1st Place = 2,000,000 Silver, 20 Premium Days, Tier 8 or lower Premium Tank, 20 5x XP Boosts, 20 6x Crew XP Boosts

    Edited by Dardan73 - 25/7/2018, 14:45
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